I don’t want to have to accept that people are no longer perceived as people. Talking to a machine instead of a real person is the beginning of losing all value for me.

– CEO Fittydent International

I don’t want to have to accept that people are no longer perceived as people. Talking to a machine instead of a real person is the beginning of losing all value for me.

– CEO Fittydent International

I don’t want to have to accept that people are no longer perceived as people. Talking to a machine instead of a real person is the beginning of losing all value for me.

– CEO Fittydent International

Get to know our philosophy


Becoming a denture wearer is the result of various circumstances. Unfortunately, one of the main reasons is age of course, but there are also other very drastic events such as accidents or illnesses which result in partial or complete loss of teeth.

From a pool of decades of experience that is available to us, it is our goal to improve the quality of life of our customers.

Our mission statement serves the corporate development of Fittydent International GmbH.
This mission statement was created with the participation of the employees. It reflects the values that characterize us as an international company. The aim of this mission statement is to align the actions of everyone in the company with common values an goals. Our principles provide orientation in everyday work, in communication and in decision-making. They initiate discussions and offer support in clarifying our goals, structures and processes.

This mission statement is future oriented and will be reviewed, if necessary, and revised at regular intervals.

knowledge and quality

Our competence

Our core competence lies in the production and sale of adhesive and cleaning agents for dentures made from high-quality raw materials, with a consistent focus on the requirements of our customers. Service orientation and quality are our strengths.

The functional properties and performance of our products are of consistent quality and tailored to the needs of our customers. Ensuring the quality of our products and achieving a high standard of performance have the highest priority. They comply with current legislation at all times.

Fittydent International GmbH meets the requirements of ISO 13485 for a comprehensive quality management system for the manufacture and sale of medical devices and falls within the legally applicable area of the EU Medical Devices Regulation 2017/745, which also serves to demonstrate conformity. The company management ensures that all obligations to meet the regulatory requirements are implemented and understood within the company and that the effectiveness of the quality management system is maintained or continuously improved.

Tradition and future orientation

Our company

The vision that our founders had in 1982 – to improve the quality of life of denture wearers – is still our greatest endeavor.

Fittydent International GmbH is by now one of the best-known manufacturers of high-quality products for dentures with a global reach. The company management and all relevant departments for export, design and marketing are located in our Vienna head office.

With a constantly growing number of sales channels in the international markets, we attach particular importance to close, amicable friendly relationships with our distribution partners and customers in order to bring the Fittydent philosophy closer to them. Our internal and external communication is characterized by the unconditional will to meet prosthesis wearers with a wide variety of problems promptly and on a personal level.

appreciation and transparency

Our under­standing of communi­cation and leadership

Our communication style is characterized by openness, directness and helpfulness. Our demeanor is professional; we treat each other appreciatively, politely, respectfully and competently at all levels of the company, both internally and externally.

We ensure a good flow of information. We work continuously on our understanding of leadership and see ourselves as a team.

We value personal commitment and the willingness to take on responsibility. Our management behavior is based on our management principles. Central aspects are: clarity, transparency, respect, appreciation and honesty.

Core competency and personal development

Our employees

Our employees are professionally qualified. We promote their potential and offer them development opportunities within the company. Criticism is addressed constructively and personally.

Their individuality and personal strengths are valued. Our employees are seen and supported in their entirety as people with social connections and obligations. Their physical, mental and social health is important to us.

With the help of various media, our employees are regularly and systematically informed about current developments in the company. Equal opportunities are a foundation of our modern society and important in our company.

Competence orientation and sustainability

Our profitability

Our investment policy as a global company is characterized by a sense of responsibility towards the product and aligned with corporate strategy in order to ensure longterm success. The focus for us is the expansion of core competencies of the staff and in the manifestation of the fittydent brand. This is how we secure jobs and long-term competitiveness.

fairness and openness

Our suppliers

Suppliers are an important link in our value chain and make a crucial contribution to our business success. We maintain a good relationship with them, always deal with them fairly and openly and at the same time expect reliability and openness from them.

Development and opportunity

Our future

We see ourselves as an agile company, future challenges as an opportunity and are actively involved in shaping them.
We proactively use the opportunities that technology and digitization offer us. This is also served by our long-term oriented personnel management.

In our process and services, we adapt to the changed circumstances. Because the challenges that our partners face are also our challenges.
This applies in particular to the requirements of the Medical Devices Regulation, country-specific registrations and social media.

As a modern company, we design our structures flat and transparent; we enable our employees to have a high degree of selfcontrol and personal reponsibility with a great deal of freedom to make decisions.

Our managers know that the realization of the optimal state of the processes and results is only possible step by step and only by promoting the creative skills of our employees and the openess to innovations.
We define, review and communicate corporate goals on a regular basis.

The expansion of our market position takes place with a continuous increase in efficiency and taking sustainability into account.

We are adapting to the changed social requirements in relation to working life and are increasing our attractiveness as a family-friendly company.